003 : Application of natural Dyes

003 : Application of natural Dyes

Shade Development with Katechu and Pomogranate

Mentor- Dr. Latika Bhatt

CATECHU Cutch is an important historical brown dye that comes from the heartwood of the cutch tree (Acacia catechu). It is a very easy dye to use and it is both light-fast and wash-fast, as well as being inexpensive. Cutch is an excellent dye for cottons as it is high in tannins, and it is also suitable for silk and wool.

POMEGRANATE This dye is high in tannin (19 to 26%), therefore it works particularly well with cotton and other plant fibres but you can also use it to dye wool and silk. You will get yellow fawn when using pomegranate without a mordant and golden yellows with a mordant.

All three fabric shades- Catechu

Silk fabric-Catechu Dye

Linen fabric-Catechu Dye

Cotton fabric-Catechu Dye

All three fabrics shades-Pomegranate

Silk fabric-Pomegranate Dye

Cotton fabric-Pomegranate Dye

Linen fabric-Pomegranate Dye

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